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It is important that all competitors read and understand the MSA Standing Supplementary Regulations (SSR’s) governing the South African Cross Country Racing Championship.

Competitors can familiarise themselves with the 2018 SSR’s which are available on the SACCS and MSA websites or


The safety of competitors, spectators and property owners is of prime importance at all events. With this in mind, please take cognisance of the following requirements:

Fire Extinguishers

It is extremely important that competitors pay attention to the fire extinguisher requirements. Apart from the safety of competitors, the regulations are aimed at ensuring everything possible is done to avoid vehicle, service area and veld or other fires during events.

All vehicles (national and regional) must be fitted with two 2.5 kg DCP fire extinguishers as per SSR part II art 6. One (1) inside the crew compartment within reach when belted up, and one (1) outside, all properly mounted as per specification, not cable-tied.

Competitors must also provide proof of purchase or service within the previous 12 months, and extinguishers must be fitted with a pressure gauge.

Safety Apparel

All competitors must wear a MSA approved crash helmet suitable for car racing, and only helmets manufactured within five years of the date of the event will be permitted. Helmets must be in good condition and will be checked at either pre or post event scrutineering.

  • The helmet straps must be properly fastened at all times when racing.
  • Safety harnesses must be securely fastened at all times when racing. No loosened shoulder straps.
  • During all competitive racing sections crew members must wear approved protective clothing that covers ankle to neck and wrists, and racing overalls must conform to minimum flame resistant requirements.
  • It is highly recommended that competitors also wear suitable flame resistant underwear.
  • It is compulsory for every competitor to wear an approved frontal head restraint (neck brace) on national events as per FIA Technical List no 29. Always check that the neck straps are properly secured into the helmet clips.


RallySafe looks after you, please look after it. Read the installation and operating guidelines available on the website. Make sure the cables are properly connected, not overtightened, strained, kinked, pinched or chafed.

Medical Kits

For your own safety all vehicles must be equipped with a first aid kit and contain a minimum of the following.

  • 1 x Space blanket (per crew member)
  • 1 x Triangular bandage
  • 1 x 50mm x 70mm First Aid dressing pad
  • 1 x 50mm x 200mm First Aid dressing pad
  • 1 x 8cm Stretch bandage
  • 4 x Band Aid type strips
  • 4 x Neatseal type plasters (2 x large, 2 x small)

The First Aid kit must be clean, in good condition and not more than two years old.


Please take care when completing your online entry. Entries cannot be confirmed without the correct information and this includes valid MSA license numbers for the entrant, driver and navigator.

The ICE contact details cannot be that of your driver or navigator, it must be an independent person who can be contacted in case of an emergency.

Please be aware that no entry is valid until such time that payment has been received.
Late entry fees will be applied, should you be uncertain as to whether or not you will be able to compete, rather submit an entry together with the prescribed entry fee. If due to unforeseen circumstance you are unable to compete, SACCS will refund your entry fee less the admin fee of R 500.00 ex VAT providing you have advised us in writing by no later than close of documentation.


SSR 306 Timing Control and DSP exit cut-off times.

Should you have had a problem in loop one (1) and are running late, you may clock out early from DSP to avoid the cut-off time barrier for DSP out. The penalty is 10 minutes plus time early, but it may give you a chance of finishing.


  1. Timing Controls
    Controls will be identified by control boards and operated by appointed event officials. There are two types of
    Controls – a flying finish control and a time control.
    The flying finish control is where the competitor’s time is recorded on the official event clocks. The flying finish will
    be identified by a set of flying finish control boards. The competitor is not required to stop at this point, but at the
    time control. A flying finish control will operate at the end of each controlled racing section.
    The time control will operate at the start and end of every controlled section, e.g. the start and end of a racing
    section (with flying finish), start and end of a de-controlled section, the entrance and exit of DSP and wherever
    required by the Clerk of the Course. At the time control (combined with the flying finish at the end of a racing
    section), the competitor’s arrival time will be recorded on the official clock in hours, minutes and seconds GPS time.
    This time will be entered onto a time card where indicated as well as on a sequence sheet. Only the times recorded
    on the official clocks and time cards will be used to score the event. In the case of timing failures, the Clerk of the
    Course may use his discretion to employ alternative methods such as electronic or manual timing. Early departure from controls (jump starts) will carry a ten (10) minute penalty. Refer SSR 318 A [iv] a).
    Missing a control or failing to stop at the control or ignoring a control official’s instruction carries a sixty (60) minute penalty. SSR 318 A [vii] b.


Once the race has started, nobody may work on a vehicle on route except:

  • the crew with what they carry on board their vehicle.
  • the crew with assistance and parts from competitors still competing in the event.
  • impromptu assistance from spectators and local inhabitants, so-called “boer-maak-‘n-plan”.

This means find your own solution to solve the problem! Service crews, family and friends on-call, fly-in mechanics etc. are not allowed.

  • A vehicle may not be recovered from the route without the written permission of the Clerk of the Course before the event has officially ended. Service crew are not permitted on the route. SSR 318 A [x] d)
  • You may NOT be towed or pushed, except to clear the road sufficiently when you are stuck. Towed back to DSP for repairs is not permitted. SSR 318 A [viii] f)

SSR 318 A (vii) a)


  1. Outside assistance rule commences at the start of the race after the vehicle has passed the M board at the entrance to the start control.
    Passing food, drink and information by two-way radio, cell phone or in writing to or from the vehicle is permitted anywhere along the route and by any person except from aerial observation. This is provided that in doing so the passing of information does not create a situation which interferes with the passage of other competitors and/or the control of a point.
    Refer to SSR 318 A [viii] a) and SSR 312 [ii].
  2. The issue to or receipt by the competitors of any manufactured materials (solid or liquid), spare parts, tools or equipment is not permitted outside authorised service parks or where specified as per the Road Book, with the exception of paragraph [iii] below.
    The transfer of any electronic data related to any of the competing vehicle’s operating system, to or from the vehicle by any means whatsoever is not permitted.
  3. Outside assistance is not permitted from anyone other than from another competitor who is still competing. The crew may repair the vehicle on route with what is carried on board their race vehicle. Also allowed, in the spirit of “ ‘n boer maak ‘n plan” is for the crew to find their own assistance to effect repairs not in conflict with the above and the vehicle is no further than safely off the route. This exception specifically excludes any assistance by anyone related to the event. Competitors who have completed the event are not permitted to give
    assistance. One crew member must remain with the vehicle. Refer SSR 318 A [vii] a).
  4. A competition vehicle causing an obstruction or blocking the route may be removed with outside assistance or by another active competitor only to such a point where the route is clear and safe passage has been obtained, or the vehicle has been freed. No competing vehicle may be towed by any competitor on the route for any distance other than to remove and clear to safety. Competitor crew and/or personnel related to the crew/entry are reminded that their assistance remains locked in SSR 311 [ii]. SSR 318 A [viii] f). Corrected time may be considered for medical OR fire related assistance.
  5. A competitor may not drive the vehicle back to DSP for repairs and assistance and then re-join the race route and continue racing. Refer SSR 305 [i] and SSR 318 A [viii] e).
  6. In addition, in the event of an accident in which the crew are endangered, outside assistance may be given by a third party.
    The Clerk of the Course will be empowered to investigate such assistance and take appropriate action where deemed necessary.

If you do not understand a rule – ask a question – don’t plead ignorance after the fact.

Thank you

MSA Seward Lic. # 15572