In terms of government’s published Level 3 Lockdown Regulations, MSA-sanctioned motorsport is permitted to resume operating. MSA is committed to ensuring that this is done in a responsible manner to ensure the safety of all concerned and is confident that the local motorsport community shares this commitment. As such, the following shall apply to all motorsport events run under the auspices of MSA under Level 3 Lockdown:

  1. Event organisers must:
    1. Adhere at all times to all applicable National, Regional & Local Government regulations regarding the coronavirus pandemic, as well as this circular.
    2. Provide operational plans to MSA no later than 24 hours after event approval is received from MSA.
    3. Appoint a COVID-19 Compliance Officer, who shall complete the specified MSA COVID-19 checklist document and submit same to MSA by the Tuesday following the event.
      1. It is the responsibility of the COVID-19 Compliance Officer to ensure ongoing compliance with these protocols throughout the event. If, at any stage during the event, these protocols are not adhered to, the COVID-19 Compliance Officer must advise the appointed Stewards, who will promptly instruct the Clerk of the Course to cease competition until such time as the breach has been rectified.
    4. Ensure that temperature-screening is conducted on all persons entering the venue and maintain a complete register of event attendees and their contact details for contact tracing purposes should this prove necessary. This register, preferably in electronic format, must be submitted to MSA.
      1. Any person with a recorded temperature of 37.5 degrees or higher will be denied access to the event and will be advised to return home, self-isolate and contact the government’s coronavirus hotline – 0800 029 999 – for further instructions, which may include being referred for COVID-19 testing.
    5. Ensure daily appropriate sanitisation of the venues they make use of for their events, before, during and after the event.
      1. Suitable confirmation in this regard shall be required by MSA prior to an event permit being issued.
    6. Put in place practical measures to enforce social distancing requirements, including the provision of signage and the creation of barriers and/or markings that restrict the number of people in any given area.
    7. Ensure that competitors will be required to complete the COVID-19 Travel Guide Personal Declaration Form in order to receive approval from the event organiser/promoter.
    8. Publish a timetable, which will include details of training (practice) sessions prior to the event, which must be approved by Motorsport South Africa.
    9. Ensure that masks must be worn by rescue, recovery and medical personnel at the event at all times.
    10. Ensure that there is a supply of masks available for purchase at all times for the duration of the event.
    11. Collate and retain all post-event documentation, including the register of all attendees, which must be submitted to MSA electronically with all other event documentation by no later than 12h00 on the Tuesday following the event.
  2. The Stewards at each event are not authorised to approve the start of the competition until they have received the signed and satisfactorily completed checklist from the COVID-19 Compliance Officer.
  3. Under no circumstances shall anyone with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 (such as fever, respiratory symptoms, shortness of breath, sore throat, cough, fatigue or lack of sense of smell) or who has tested positive for COVID-19, be admitted to a motorsport event.
  4. Under no circumstances shall anyone attend a motorsport event if they have been:
    1. diagnosed with COVID-19 in the previous 14 days; or
    2. been in contact with a known COVID-19 positive case in the previous 14 days.
  5. No spectators may be granted access to events.
  6. Avoid gatherings of more than 10 people in all places at an event:
    1. Social distancing requirements to be adhered to by all event attendees.
    2. 1.5m minimum distance to be maintained between people.
  7. Masks are to be worn at all times by all event attendees (except competitors when wearing full face crash helmets or a properly fitted fire-resistant balaclava (which must cover the mouth and nose at all times) with an open face helmet where these are permitted).
  8. All persons present at motorsport events shall ensure that they have access to alcohol-based hand sanitizers in order to promote hand cleanliness in the absence of soap and water. Event organisers are also required to make a supply of hand sanitizers available for general use in suitable locations. All hand sanitizers must contain a minimum of 70% alcohol.
  9. No alcohol may be distributed or consumed at motorsport events.
  10. COVID-19 specific signage must be clearly displayed as and where appropriate to remind the people present to wear masks, clean their hands and practice social distancing.
  11. Documentation requirements:
    1. No in-person checking of competition licences will be permitted. Licences are to be checked electronically prior to the event using MSA’s platforms. Confirmed entry to the venue will also serve as the driver sign-on register having been completed by the competitor.
    2. All pre-event documentation is to be done electronically to prevent in-person contact as far as possible.
    3. No entry will be granted to the event premises without the suitable documentation being completed, and in order, in advance of the event.
    4. All persons permitted to be present at an event shall be required to complete the following designated COVID-19 related forms:
      1. Attendance Register Questionnaire
      2. Travel Guide Personal Declaration Form
      3. Daily Screening Questionnaire.
    5. Timing transponders will be collected by a nominated category representative at a time and venue pre-determined by the event organisers whilst complying with all COVID-19 protocols.
  12. Scrutineering:
    1. No in-person scrutineering will be allowed.
    2. Self-declaration of vehicle safety and eligibility shall apply.
    3. Self-scrutineering declaration form to be sent out with event supplementary regulations and entry form.
    4. Vehicle damage reports must be submitted on an incident report form electronically to the race secretary.
  13. COVID-19 hygiene protocols must be adopted for equipment deployment and usage amongst officials and race teams:
    1. COVID-19 information links in supplementary regulations.
    2. COVID-19 information included in all briefing notes (Drivers, Officials, etc.).
    3. Equipment must be thoroughly wiped down with disinfectant prior to deployment.
    4. Equipment must be deployed and operated by 1 person wherever possible.
    5. Equipment must not be shared unless absolutely necessary, in which case appropriate hygiene measures are to be implemented.
  14. Paddock, marshalling, pre-race, grid and parc ferme areas must avoid any gatherings of personnel:
    1. Social distancing must be adhered to.
    2. Competitors to remain in vehicles as far as possible until assistance is provided.
  15. Race Control including race timing, officials and stewards areas:
    1. Officials to maintain social distancing requirements (min. 1.5m).
    2. Signage indicating maximum capacity of each room.
    3. The requirement of 1 person per 4m/sq. must be adhered to.
  16. No passengers (this does not apply to legitimate co-drivers or navigators) are allowed in competition vehicles at any time. When there are two people present in a vehicle (driver and navigator/co-driver) they shall ensure that there is suitable airflow through the vehicle to protect themselves from possible infection.
  17. No sharing of driver or officials’ apparel:
    1. All participants must provide and wear their own event-specific protective apparel
    2. Where marshal apparel is supplied by a venue this needs to be washed and cleaned before each event.
  18. Fire, Medical and Recovery Team vehicles to contain a maximum of 2 people when in operation and must wear masks at all times:
    1. When not in operation, personnel to remain outside vehicles and maintain appropriate social distance.
    2. Additional time to be factored into event schedules to reduce time pressure on incident management teams.
  19. An absolute minimum of team personnel is to attend per competition vehicle:
    1. A maximum of four (4) pre-approved personnel per road vehicle entering the venue will be allowed onto the event premises after successful completion of the daily screening process of all personnel in the said road vehicle.
      1. To clarify, if one (1) person fails the screening process then all personnel in the affected road vehicle will not be allowed entry to the premises.
    2. Team personnel shall confine themselves to their own pit areas, maintaining social distancing measures (no socialising may take place during or after events).
    3. As soon as competitors have completed their final race/heat they are to pack up their equipment and leave the venue (no post-event socialising may take place).
  20. Deploy a minimum number of marshals to each marshalling point:
    1. Maximum 2 people per flag or marshal post;
    2. Social distancing to be respected (minimum 1.5m);
    3. Masks must be worn at all times.
  21. Physical notice board must be replaced by an online system to disseminate information to competitors at all times.
  22. Race results to be communicated electronically:
    1. Posted online, emailed or distributed electronically to competitors.
  23. No in-person podium / awards ceremonies to be conducted:
    1. Trophies to be replaced with good quality electronic certificates of achievement.
  24. Media Centre and media attendance at an event will be limited to MSA-accredited working media only:
    1. Desks in the Media Centre (where applicable) to be suitably spaced apart to allow for social distancing requirements to be respected;
    2. Photographers to observe social distancing requirements at photography points;
    3. No media gatherings for interview purposes are permitted.
  25. Only pre-ordered food and beverages (no alcohol) may be ordered online from the onsite restaurant (if available) which will be delivered by the onsite restaurant personnel to the person placing the order. If no onsite facility is available, each individual present at the event must supply their own food and beverages (no alcohol). Consumption of all food and beverages to take place in allocated pits only. No sharing of food or beverages is allowed.
  26. Any technical inspections (whether as a result of a protest or not) must be held at a later date with the part/s in question properly sealed and stored for safekeeping.
  27. Hearings at events involving race officials and competitors to be held electronically as far as practically possible to minimize in-person contact.
  28. Facilitate case management of suspected positive cases:
    1. Event attendees who fit the current case definition as supplied and updated by NICD must present to CMC/CMO and will be isolated in a suitably identified quarantine area.
    2. They will then be referred for COVID-19 testing.
    3. 15.05.2020.pdf
    4. Visit for further information.


vic maharaj signature

17 July 2020 162249/144